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Dental Billing

What is Dentistry?

Dentistry is the branch of medicine that is involved in the study, diagnosis, pervention and treatment of diseases, disorders and conditions od the oral cavity.
Doctors who practice dentistry are called Dentists.

What is Dental Insurances?

Dental Insurance is an insurance that provides coverage for services relating to the care and treatment of teeth and gums.

Functions handle in Dental Billing:

1. Appointment Scheduling (Minimal)
2. Eligibility & Benefit verification (by  EV Team)
3. Cash Posting
4. Claims

The signal of infection in our mouth is swelling in the gum. Gum can be also called as "Gingiva".
Periodontal means "surrounding the teeth". "Peri" means "around" or "surrounding", while "dontal" refers to teeth.

Major Dental Specialties:

1. Orthodontics: Correction of Irregular Teeth.
2. Periodontics: Treatments of Gum & any Other Oral Diseases.
3. Endodontics: Any treatment done on the Root & the Bones.
4. Oral Surgery: Any Surgery done in the Mouth.

Classification of Dental Benefits:

1. Preventive / Diagnostic.
2. Basic.
3. Major.

Preventive / Diagnostic:

Preventive; Prevents Dental illness, Eg: Removal of Plaque, Calculus & Stain.
Diagnostic; Dental X-rays & Oral Cancer Screening


Minor Dental illness (Tooth loss can be prevented). Eg: Tooth fillings.


It is a condition where the Patient has lost the tooth & the Dentist needs to do some restoration process to restore the tooth by an artificial replacement. Eg: Denture, Root Canal and Bridges.

Inner Design of Teeth


The tough, shiny, white outer surface of the teeth.


The material forming the main inner portion of the tooth structure.


The vital tissue of the tooth consisting of nerves and blood vessels.


The visible part of a tooth.


The soft tissue that surrounds the base of the teeth.


The hard supportive tissue in which the tooth's root is anchored.


The anchor of a tooth that extends of the jaw.

Nerves and Blood Vessels:

Nerves transmit signals and blood vessels carry nutrients to the tooth - they run through the tooth's root within the pulp.

Adult Dental Arch

The top Jaw as Maxilla.
The bottom Jaw is called as Mandible.
The hinge joining both the Jaws are called as Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ).


The front teeth used for cutting the food.


It is also called Cuspid. The pointy tooth located between the incisors and premolars.


Also called Bicuspids. The teeth located between the canine and the molars for grasping, tearong and chewing.


The relative flat teeth located towards the back of the mouth used for grinding food.

Tooth Surfaces:

Facial ( Labial/ Buccal) - Outside of the teeth.
Lingual - Tounge side.
Mesial - Towards the midline.
Distal - Away from the midline.
Incisal - Biting edge of an anterior tooth.
Occlusal - Chewing surface of posterior the teeth.


Complete series, also known as Full Mouth X-ray (FMX) can be between 14 - 22 images, should every crown, every apex (tip of the root end of the tooth), every contact (bitewing), endentulous areas (missing tooth).
Complete series usually have 14 to 22 perapical and posterior bitewing images.

Panoramic X-ray:

It is also known as Pano. One i.ages, shows all the teeth i. Both jaws on one long film.


One image, shows the crowns and how thw upper and lower teeth contact (come together), Root structure is not visible on these films.

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