Treatment & Payment method in
India vs. US
Finally the concept is like first patient take an Insurance policy. Schedule an appointment for treatment, get treated by provider and finally the bill is getting paid by the insurance company.
Working on this field having some positive and some negative effects:
Positive: Very good monthly income
Optimistic Career
Can gain well versed knowledge in US Health Care System
Can spend time with family.
Negative: You have to work against biological clock, which is night shift.
Health condition will be in challenged (differs individually).
This industry we also call Health Care Industry.
This industry we also call Health Care Industry.
In order to Understand more about Medical billing, we have to have a clear idea about US states and their geography.
Medicare and State Medicaid plan is federal or Government (Tricare also government) plan. And mostly available plan is from commercial insurances.
Medicare and State Medicaid plan is federal or Government (Tricare also government) plan. And mostly available plan is from commercial insurances.
Each state have their own state Medicaid plan (price for a procedure or fee schedule is decided based upon geographic location and available funding for that state) for a particular procedure code for that finacial year. It will revise every year.
State (State Code) Capital
Alabama (AL) Montgomery
Alaska (AK) Juneau
Arizona (AZ) Phoenix
Arkansas (AR) Little Rock
California (CA) Sacramento
Colorado (CO) Denver
Connecticut (CT) Hartford
Delaware (DE) Dover
Florida (FL) Tallahassee
Georgia (GA) Atlanta
Hawaii (HI) Honolulu
Idaho (ID) Boise
Illinois (IL) Springfield
Indiana (IN) Indianapolis
Iowa (IA) Des Moines
Kansas (KS) Topeka
Kentucky (KY) Frankfort
Louisiana (LA) Baton Rouge
Maine (ME) Augusta
Maryland (MD) Annapolis
Massachusetts (MA) Boston
Michigan (MI) Lansing
Minnesota (MN) Saint Paul
Mississippi (MS) Jackson
Missouri (MO) Jefferson
Montana (MT) Helena
Nebraska (NE) Lincoln
Nevada (NV) Carson City
New Hampshire (NH) Concord
New Jersey (NJ) Trenton
New Mexico (NM) Santa Fe
New York (NY) Albany
North Carolina (NC) Reigh
North Dakota (ND) Bismark
Ohio (OH) Columbus
Oklahoma (OK) Oklahoma City
Oregon (OR) Salem
Pennsylvania (PA) Harrisburg
Rhode Island (RI) Province
South Carolina ( SC) Columbia
South Dakota (SD) Pierre
Tennessee (TN) Nashville
Texas (TX) Austin
Utah (UT) Salt Lake City
Vermont (VT) Montpelier
Virginia (VA) Richmond
Washington (WA) Olympia
West Virginia ( WV) Charleston
Wisconsin (WI) Madison
Wyoming (WY) Cheyenne
Each state having their own fee schedule. They pay according to state medicaid policy when the payer is state Medicaid.
For example: State Medicaid of Virginia
State Medicaid of Illinois
The fee schedule of Medicaid Illinois could be different from Medicaid Virginia.
Medicare Plan: It is a federal plan. They also have a unique fee schedule which is same regardless of state. It is like one nation one price for one particular procedure code.
State wise the name may differ but the eligibility and payment methods are same as it is a national plan.
For example: Medicare Alabama is known as Palmetto GBA. Medicare Ohio is known as CGS Medicare. Medicare New Mexico is known as Novitas Medicare etc.
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